
Here you will find a list of “handy” links. What I will try is, the links or website I am mentioning in my posts, I will put a link to that site here. (Just click the bold word to visit the mentioned website. The site will open in a new tab.)

Glide Apps. With Glide Apps you can create Progressive Web Applications. Or with Glide Pages, you can create web pages.

AppGyver. With AppGyver you can create mobile applications for any mobile device. And you can upload them to the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

FlutterFlow. With FlutterFlow you can create Native Mobile Apps. This can be for Android and iOS.

Thunkable. With Thunkable, you also can create apps for mobile devices. Android and iOS. As a database, you also can use Airtable, Google Sheets, or Firebase.

Softr. With Softr you also can create mobile apps. You can use Airtable or Google Sheets as your database.

Flipabit. With Flipabit, you can also create your own mobile app. The difference is, that to use Flipabit, you need to download and install the Editor on your computer.

Bubble. With you can create a website using No-Code/Low-Code.

Firebase. With (Google) Firebase, you can create your own (cloud) database. This also has some extra features like Push Notifications and User Authentication.

Xano. With Xano you can create your own backend (database).

Backendless. Backendless call’s itself the “Full Stack Visual App Development Platform”.

MIT App Inventor. If you want to start simple and first get the feel for No-Code/Low-Code, then maybe MIT App Inventor is a good place to start. On Youtube, there are many tutorials for beginners.
