About Me.
Welcome to this site.
My name is Pierre. Married and we have 1 son. I am of Dutch nationality and my wife is from the Philippines. When we get the chance, we go on holiday to the Philippines.
Late 80’s I turned my hobby into my work/profession and was working in IT. I had worked for different companies and did this with a lot of fun and joy. Mainly as a service engineer or support.
Mid 2012 I became unemployed. At the end of 2012, I got some serious health problems and after that, I was not able to work anymore.
IT is still a big part of my life and still enjoy doing it. Because I am not working anymore, have a lot of spare time, which I can use to learn new things. My only problem is, that because of the health issues I had/have, things have slowed down. Sometimes things take time before they click with me.
I have one more site, which I am using as a personal blog, and write about my health and some other things that keep me busy. To keep things a bit separated, I started this site, especially to share my thoughts on IT tech, especially about No-Code/Low-Code.
Everything here is my personal thought and experience with the different platforms. And hope that this also could be of some help to others.
If you have any questions or remarks, you could leave them at the respected posts. Or you also can contact me through the contact form. I will try to answer your questions or remarks as soon as possible.